Doctor Marc Wilkinson
Professional Qualifications
AGPAL supervisor in training - present.
Accredited Yellow Fever Vaccine Provider, 2019
FRACGP, 2017
MBBS, 2012 University of Wollongong
Grad. Dip Ed (with distinction) , 2008, University of Wollongong
B, Math Finance (1st class honours) , 2005. University of Wollongong
NSW Higher School Certificate. 2001, Dux of Kanahooka High School
Why am I being charged a Gap /Private Fee?
General Practice is the efficient backbone of our world class health system. It is at present under threat due to decades of underfunding and political musings about replacing its providers with less qualified practitioners. GPs cannot survive as individual business operators with current levels of Medicare rebates and so many have to charge to continue to keep the doors open. These rebates have failed to keep pace with inflation for decades and they belong to you - the patients. Failure to provide adequate funding for the health care of Australians should alarm us all
Dr Wilkinson would be delighted to discuss any concerns you have about this pressing and vital issue.